mental health

Mindset - Whether you think you can or you can’t: You’re right!

Mindset - Whether you think you can or you can’t: You’re right!

If you think you can’t lose weight, you won’t. If you think working out isn’t for you, then you will never enjoy it. The fact is, every person has the ability to choose how fit and happy they are in life. How you think about food, training and everything else in your life determines the results you receive.

How you think about things is called your Mindset.

Taking Care of your Mental Health

Taking Care of your Mental Health

If you would classify someone as healthy, what are the factors you would consider? Body Composition, how far they can run, how much weight they could lift? What about their mental state? This gets overlooked simply because, most times, you cannot see it. People are better at masking these problems and playing off that everything is fine. I know this because I have struggled with Depression which also affects an estimated 350 million people...