fat loss

Diets do not work, but here is what does!

Diets do not work, but here is what does!

Diets are set up to cause failure, and that is just the way they are! However, there are ways to make a better lifestyle by changing just a few things each day. If you want to take small steps to get bigger results, this blog is for you!

Top 3 indicators of great training for fitness

Top 3 indicators of great training for fitness

There are a number of metrics that people use to define their workouts, Pain and Sweat being the top two metrics. However are those the best ones to use? The short answer is no, they are not! Pain is your bodies way of telling you something is wrong, and sweat can be achieved without little effort. It is time to look for better indicators than those two and a good place to start are the three outlined in this blog!

Stress and your High School Athlete

Stress and your High School Athlete

Working out with Stress can be the best way to control your levels of stress. Knowing when your athletes need a little bit of extra help overcoming stress can help you become a better coach! Learn how below!



In any well-run kitchen, preparation is nine-tenths of the job. Mis en place for a home kitchen means having every tool, ingredient, and dish you need to execute your dishes without having to do more than pivot around a <10 square foot space. What follows is a list of things to keep on hand at all times.  These items are things that you will likely use on a near-weekly basis.


Feel and Look your Best by Getting Rid of the C. R. A. P. in Your Diet

Feel and Look your Best by Getting Rid of the C. R. A. P. in Your Diet

Everyone says they want to feel and look better. Everyone also says they try to eat healthy, so why are so many people struggling to reach their health and fat loss goals? Simply put, they consume too much C.R.A.P.: Caffeine, Refined Sugars, Additives and Preservatives.